Posted on: Monday 15th April 2024

Year 5 pupils had a fantastic time at Peat Rigg in the North York Moors this week. We asked the children what they thought of the experience. Here are their top answers:

  • We overcame fears;
  • We achieved so much;
  • We’ve made new friendships;
  • We loved the food;
  • The accommodation was amazing!

There are so many wonderful photos on Y5’s Dojo page. Here’s a sample...

Jacob's Ladder

The children had to work together to give each other a leg up and support one another to climb as high as they can on this challenge.

Fire building

The pupils gathered broken sticks and twigs of various sizes off the forest floor. They balanced the kindling and created a spark to get their fires going. They skilfully blew gently into the fires to get them going. After adding the larger sticks and logs, they toasted marshmallows. Yum!


Focus, skill, strength and stamina are all needed to land a bullseye in archery. We learned safety techniques and had fun playing various target games.

Tree climbing

Some of us really had to challenge ourselves to climb the trees and abseil back down. The routes had varying difficulty levels but every one of our pupils overcame the challenge to go up as high as they could.

Zip line

The zipline was a fast-paced, adrenaline-fuelled rush! For some, climbing the ladder and making the leap was a huge challenge. We did it and we loved it!

Crate stacking

Crate stacking was huge fun. A team of pupils and some clever contraptions kept the ropes taught, while the children helped one another to climb to the roof of the barn to ring the bell. The staff are fairly confident that the instructors deliberately wobbled the crates when it was their turn!

Team building games

One evening, we played team building games in groups. This team had to diffuse the bomb by working together. The pupils weren't allowed inside the rope but had equipment to remove the dynamite before the timer ticked down to zero! All of the games tested our ability to communicate and work together with a common goal.


The biggest challenge for most of the pupils (and staff) was abseiling from the viaduct. Every year, it's amazing to see the children achieve this feat and then beg for a second go!